Implements an orderly "remote" using OrderlyWeb as a backend. Use this within an orderly_config.yml configuration.

orderlyweb_remote(host, port, token, https = TRUE, prefix = NULL,
  name = NULL)



Fully qualified hostname for the OrderlyWeb instance


Port to use


Your application token for authentication. The appropriate value here will depend on the authentication support that is built into the OrderlyWeb server that you are communicating with. Provide the token directly (as a string) or provide a callback function that takes no arguments and returns token.


Optional logical, indicating if this is an https connection - this should be TRUE in all production settings or credentials will be sent in the clear!


A prefix, if your OrderlyWeb server is mounted at a path within some larger website.


A friendly name for the server (e.g, "production" or "testing") which may be printed when using the remote, or when authenticating. If not provided then a name will be constructed from host, port and (if provided) prefix.


remote <- orderlyweb::orderlyweb_remote("", 443, "mytoken")
#> <orderlyweb_remote>
#>   Public:
#>     bundle_import: function (path, progress = TRUE) 
#>     bundle_pack: function (name, parameters = NULL, instance = NULL, progress = TRUE) 
#>     initialize: function (host, port, token, https, prefix, name) 
#>     kill: function (key) 
#>     list_reports: function () 
#>     list_versions: function (name) 
#>     metadata: function (name, id) 
#>     name:
#>     pull: function (name, id, progress = TRUE) 
#>     queue_status: function () 
#>     run: function (name, parameters = NULL, ref = NULL, timeout = NULL, 
#>     url_report: function (name, id) 
#>   Private:
#>     client: orderlyweb, R6