

This table, in combination with burden_estimate_country_expectation and burden_estimate_outcome_expectation, describes in detail the burden estimates we expect to be uploaded for a particular responsibility. If you imagine plotting expected year and age combinations on x and y axes, then the year_* and age_* columns provide a rectangular area. Within those bounds, the cohort columns optionally give us the ability to describe a triangular area. If a cohort_min_inclusive is defined then only people born in that year and afterwards are included. So if this is set to 2000 then the only ages expected in 2000 are 0. Whereas by 2010, ages 0 - 10 are expected. Similarly, if cohort_max_inclusive is defined then only people born in that year or before are included.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id serial 10 nextval('burden_estimate_expectation_id_seq'::regclass)
burden_estimate_country_expectation.burden_estimate_expectation burden_estimate_country_expect_burden_estimate_expectation_fkey R
burden_estimate_outcome_expectation.burden_estimate_expectation burden_estimate_outcome_expect_burden_estimate_expectation_fkey R
responsibility.expectations responsibility_expectations_fkey R
year_min_inclusive int2 5 null
year_max_inclusive int2 5 null
age_min_inclusive int2 5 null
age_max_inclusive int2 5 null
cohort_min_inclusive int2 5 null
cohort_max_inclusive int2 5 null

Table contained 0 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
burden_estimate_expectation_pkey Primary key Asc id
